
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Twitter Update

So, what has my first week on Twitter been like?

Hmm. It's kinda...interesting.

Okay, how can I put it?

It's kinda like when I was a little kid and I had imaginary friends that I'd talk to. You know what I'm talking about. You had them too. That's what Twitter is like, so far. I'm tweeting and tweeting and I'm almost positive that I'm talking to, well, no one. Lol. Now this was cool when I was seven, but now, uh, I realize when I talking to myself.

This is how I feel after I tweet.

Tweet... tweet ...tweet. No wait! It's more like CRICKETS...CRICKETS...CRICKETS! HELLO, IS ANYONE HOME?!

Ahhh, one is truly the loneliest number in the world. LOL.

The second thing that I've realized is that Twitter really is ALL ABOUT THE CELEBRITIES! Now, I'll keep it one hundred, when I signed up, that was the first thing that I did was look for my favorite A-Z celebs. That's right. I'm a groupie. But, hear me out. Who else would I want to follow? I don't give to snickers about what Joe Blow is doing, but I really do NEED to know when NeNe Leakes of The Real Housewives of Atlanta will be on the next Celebrity Apprentice. I know, I'm a nerd girl.


But, I will say this, I do have 4 followers! It's very sad. One's a classmate. Another is a friend of mine and the other two are people I don't know. How'd that happen? Well, naturally, the classmate and friend were  freebies, but the other two were random. I went to my Twitter page and it said that I had two more followers!

Honestly, I got a little excited. Hehehe. "I have followers! I have followers!"

But, wait!

Now, there's pressure! Now, I have to be...EXCITING! Now, I have to pretend that I have a life! Now, I have to pretend that I don't take naps when I get home. Now, I have to pretend that I do more than eat, sleep and...erm...pray all day. Yeah, right. Never that, but, I do have to make myself worthy of being followed...right?

I mean really. I refuse to be the person that tweets my every single move.

"Hey tweeties, I just ate."
"Hey tweeties, I just digested."
"Hey tweeties, I just burped."


Stay tuned.


  1. LOL! I'm still chuckling very hard.... love your writing! And good points, too :^)

  2. LMAO!!!!! well if u added me your twitter might be a little more interesting i tagged you in a post while we were in class about your suggestion start posting on your facebook that you have a twiiter and want to be followed always seems to work.

  3. Thanks Dr. Wilson and Stefan. Twitter is just weird to me. It seems so cluttered.

    Stefan, you'll have to show me the details because I just don't get it.


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