
Friday, January 28, 2011

Am I A Twit 'Cause I don't Tweet?

I just don't get it. I thought Twitter was for us regular people to follow celebs. I thought Twitter was for me to stay abreast of what my imaginary bff, Khloe Kardashian, was doing. Than I realized that millions of people use twitter everyday. Millions of  "regular" people. What the heck are regular people Twitting about? What the heck am I gonna Twitter about? Or is that Tweet about? Geez, I don't even know the lingo.

Man, I don't even know what I'd say. I'm not that interesting. I work, go to school and take lots of naps. And on a really exciting day, I might eat a whole box of Cocoa Puffs, but that's as cool as I get. So why would anyone wanna follow me? Granted, I know that eating a whole box of cereal is AMAZING but really. I don't think people want to follow me because of my love for carbs

I bite the bullet, go to and sign up. After all, I am trying to explore all things new media.

After several minutes, my self-diagnosed ADD kicks in, and I find myself spending more time designing my homepage than actually trying to Twitter...or Tweet. I look up a few celebrities because, well, who the heck else would I look up? Then, panic sets in! These celebs have millions of followers! Twitter is EXACTLY what I thought it was. A POPULARITY CONTEST! I haven't been popular since Tupac was alive.

How the heck am I gonna attract followers?

Stay tuned.


  1. I loved this post! Are you reading my mind or what?! I've also been trying to branch out and get into all this social stuff. I tweet and so far i have 23 followers and most of them are companies!I also possess the amazing skill of eating an entire box of cereal in a day! It's like we were separated at birth, lol! i'll follow you if you follow me. I know that sounds stalker-licious but i promise i'm just socially awkward.

  2. This is great! I too can not get into the Twitter revolution, but I will join you in learning about Twitter and how we can use it to our benefit. Please keep us informed on your progress!

  3. Thanks Amira and Emilio, I will keep you post. Sad thing is, I couldn't figure out my doggone Twitter address. Now you know that's sad.

  4. Haha! I have an account that I never use.

  5. Saige, you are the 5th person that has told me that. that's exactly the reason why Twitter seems...foolish.


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